Holland Area Art

Area Artists and Area Art!

The Holland Area Arts Council is a great space to go and see what some of the local artists are creating right now. It’s amazing to see what your fellow Lakeshore lovers can do.


Some of the shows happening in the next month: 

Michigan Spaces/Michigan Places: Recent Paintings by Keith Downie and Tom Tomasek

This exhibit is all about noticing the parts of our beautiful state that go unnoticed so often. Both painters make it their goal to highlight the parts of our everyday lives that we have lost touch with.

Entwined Environments: Work by Ken Foster and Lisa Medendorp

These works highlight the how the natural world all works together to create on giant masterpiece. Some of the works are two dimensional, while others are three dimensional to offer lots of different takes on the web that nature creates.

Mostly Michigan: Works by Karen VanDam Michmerhuizen

These paintings are a collection by a local artist who grew up on a little farm in West Michigan. This artist loves capturing the landscapes and gardens that surround us all. The natural world is such a large part of Lakeshore life, so seeing it captured in paint is breathtaking.

The arts council also hosts camps and classes for children and adults alike! You can learn to make jewelry, paint with water colors or design with clay. There are so many opportunities to get involved with local artists.

Check out the Holland Area Art Council’s website for more information and upcoming exhibits.